Gold Bullion Invest in gold

Preview of Gold Bullion logo

Gold Bullion is a platform which allows users to invest in gold. We set about creating a logo, brand guidelines and website.

We aimed to set a new style, instead of the traditional outlook, exploring a more modern direction

Gold Bullion icon Website tablet design
Gold Bullion website
Brand guidelines

We wanted gold ore to be the focus of the imagery, taking a straight forward and upfront approach to the industry of gold investment. Adding colours associated with gold in a softer more palatable approach.

Gold is usually paired with black and has an obvious look and feel, we tried to do something different

Map design preview Terminal banner design
Mobile website preview

Their website features a live ticker for the price of gold, users are able to see the price of gold change over time. All this helped frame Gold Bullion as a brand which has its finger on the pulse.

It is our job to simplify and make the brand shine in the best possible light

Preview of mobile design

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